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Webmaster Laykonik odpowiedź w RAMKA - Google został oznaczony jako odpowiedź
Witam i poproszę o pomoc
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<!--CHANGE LINKS BELOW TO YOUR OWN--> <script language="javascript"> <!-- //Drop-down Document Viewer II- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) //For full source code, 100's more DHTML scripts, and TOS, //Specify display mode (0 or 1) //0 causes document to be displayed in an inline frame, while 1 in a new browser window var displaymode=0 //if displaymode=0, configure inline frame attributes (ie: dimensions, intial document shown var iframecode='<iframe id="external" style="width:100%;height:990px" src="https://www.marboelektronarzedzia.pl/okazje.html"></iframe>' /////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW HERE//////////// if (displaymode==0) document.write(iframecode) function jumpto(inputurl){ if (document.getElementById&&displaymode==0) document.getElementById("external").src=inputurl else if (document.all&&displaymode==0) document.all.external.src=inputurl else{ if (!window.win2||win2.closed) win2=window.open(inputurl) //else if win2 already exists else{ win2.location=inputurl win2.focus() } } } //--> </script> Google widzi to z błędem
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