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Market samurai


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Jeżeli to co piszą jest prawdą to coś z Samurai Market jest nie tak

We're getting 100s of worried requests from users so we decided to explain this web rumor.

Rumors of a drastic Google algo change started spreading after another SEO software house officially announced their software stopped working with Google. What Market Samurai told its users is, "Several days ago, Google made some significant technical changes to its services" which made it impossible to work with.

Now hundreds of ex-customers of Market Samurai and our own users write to our support: Is SEO PowerSuite working? Is it safe to buy SEO PowerSuite license now when other tools are failing to work?

The answer is YES, your software is working and will work with all search engines (Google as well, until the end of Google.) We are able to guarantee that SEO PowerSuite is the safest SEO software to invest in.

So - right, SEO PowerSuite keeps working. The thing is, what is proclaimed a Google's technical change doesn't look so and has never been confirmed by anyone outside Market Samurai team. Our team of search engines experts confirms no changes to Google algos - and the speaking evidence for that is the seamlessly working SEO PowerSuite.

No other reasons for Market Samurai's software failure have ever been officially named. However, more realistic reasons were suggested by their former users, assumed by many SEOs on all kind of Internet forums - and never commented on by the Samurai representatives. So the actual reasons for the fail are assumable and lie in a strategic error at the early stage of designing the software architecture. Our experts say, the estimate of fixing such error to restore an SEO tool to a fully working condition is about half a year.

Seeing that now Samurai is planning to switch to Bing instead of Google, we assume the estimate is right.

So let us once again disprove the rumor: Google made no changes and nothing happened to it at all. More to that, whenever changes to Google happen in the future, SEO PoweSuite will keep working seamlessly.

As many know, for 7 years on the market Link-Assistant.Com software has been working reliably. And we can guarantee reliable work of all SEO PowerSuite tools in future, with a team of engineers and analysts monitoring search engines every day.

So if you've ever been choosing between SEO PowerSuite and another software, or if you see your other SEO software is facing problems now or any time later, it's time to make the safest investment and order SEO PowerSuite.

Best regards,

Link-Assistant.Com Team

P.S. Here is the official statement from Viktar Khamianok, the CEO of Link-Assistant.Com:

Every technology is analyzed, criticized and tested before development. We look at hundreds of use cases before making core decisions on software functionality. We understand that we must not, at any moment, put the user at risk. None of our clients can afford being left without working software or without any working feature of the software.

So this is the official confirmation that SEO PowerSuite is not and will not be affected by the ban imposed on other SEO software. You can check its work now yourself.

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może wynika to z różnic w pozyskiwaniu wyników organicznych. Seo power suite korzysta z zaawansowanych narzędzi symulujących zachowanie człowieka, jednocześnie korzysta z naszych zasobów sieciowych. W przypadku market samuraia, z tego co zrozumiałem w ich komentarzach na blogu MS, sprawdzając pozycję korzystasz z ich serwera, ich proxy. najpewniej w wyniku przeładowania zapytań - 400 tys użytkowników MSa - google coś zmienił i ich metoda sprawdzania pozycji już jest nieskuteczna.

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Maja jakieś problemy, trzeba poczekać na bug fixa

W wolnej chwili lubię grać z kumplami od 4 lat w Metin2 wojownikiem mentalem,

Pogrywam także na serwer metin2 który pozwala się odstresować od ciężkiej pracy.

Czasami coś oglądam, uzywająć programu p2p, eMule taki osiołek :) tylko wymaga listy server.met

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trial w Market samurai jest w pelni funkcjonalny

ale w wersji testowej nie działjąwszystkie opcji.

milisz sie. jesli cos nie dziala obecnie to i w płatnej wersji będzie identycznie.

Ale w ogólnie soft wart tych 100USD ( a błędy myślę zostaną naprawione). Kup z refa Zgreda

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  straseusz napisał(a):
zależy do czego, dla mnie nie jest warty nawet 50$ :)

zamiast partolić tak podałbyś alternatywę jak pytają. bo takie odpowiedzi do niczego nie prowadzą

Agencja marketingowa Semgence istnieje na rynku od 2018 i odpowiada za prowadzenie działań SEO dla wielu firm małych i dużych. Prowadzimy też kampanie Google Ads - niedawno zostaliśmy sie Partnerem Google spełniając odpowiednie kryteria. Betapoint



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