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Jak zrobić w preclu na WP, żeby wyświetlały się kategorie


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Zrobiłem sobie precel IT, do którego można dodawać ciekawe artykuły z branży IT, jednak z uwagi, że liczba wpisów jest jeszcze niewielka (sam też niewiele jeszcze napisałem), chciałbym żeby wyświetlały się wszystkie dostępne w wordpressie kategorie a nie tylko te, do których został dodanych jakiś wpis. Czy można to gdzieś ustawić? Nie bardzo widzę taką opcję

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U mnie w sidebars.php jest trochę inaczej:

// tokens
 $ew = '<!-- end_widget -->'; 
 $bt = '<!-- begin_title -->';  
 $et = '<!-- end_title -->'; 
 $bi = '<!-- begin_id -->'; 
 $ei = '<!-- end_id -->'; 
 $bc = '<!-- begin_class -->'; 
 $ec = '<!-- end_class -->'; 

 $sidebars = array(

  'default' => array(
  'name' => __('Primary Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'primary-widget-area',
  'description' => __("This is the default sidebar, visible on 2 or 3 column layouts. If no widgets are active, the default theme widgets will be displayed instead.", THEME_NS)

'secondary' =>  array(
  'name' => __('Secondary Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'secondary-widget-area',
  'description' => __("This sidebar is active only on a 3 column setup.", THEME_NS)

'top' => array(
  'name' => __('First Top Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'first-top-widget-area',
  'description' => __("This sidebar is displayed above the main content.", THEME_NS)

'top2' => array(
  'name' => __('Second Top Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'second-top-widget-area',
  'description' => __("This sidebar is displayed above the main content.", THEME_NS)

'bottom' => array(
  'name' => __('First Bottom Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'first-bottom-widget-area',
  'description' => __("This sidebar is displayed below the main content.", THEME_NS)

'bottom2' => array(
  'name' => __('Second Bottom Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'second-bottom-widget-area',
  'description' => __("This sidebar is displayed below the main content.", THEME_NS)

'footer' => array(
  'name' => __('First Footer Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'first-footer-widget-area',
  'description' => __("The first footer widget area. You can add a text widget for custom footer text.", THEME_NS) 

'footer2' => array(
  'name' => __('Second Footer Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'second-footer-widget-area',
  'description' => __("The second footer widget area.", THEME_NS) 

'footer3' => array(
  'name' => __('Third Footer Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'third-footer-widget-area',
  'description' => __("The third footer widget area.", THEME_NS) 

'footer4' => array(
  'name' => __('Fourth Footer Widget Area',THEME_NS),
  'id' => 'fourth-footer-widget-area',
  'description' => __("The fourth footer widget area.", THEME_NS) 


 $args = array(
'before_widget' => $bi . '%1$s' . $ei . $bc . 'widget %2$s' .$ec,
'before_title' => $bt,
'after_title' => $et,
'after_widget' => $ew

if (function_exists('register_sidebar')) {

foreach ($sidebars as $sidebar)
  register_sidebar( array_merge($sidebar, $args));

function art_get_widget_param(&$widget, $startToken, $endToken){
 if (!$widget) return "";
 $stPos = strpos($widget, $startToken);
 $etPos = strpos($widget, $endToken);
 $result = "";
 if( $stPos !== false &&  $etPos !== false){
  $start = $stPos + strlen($startToken);
  $result= substr($widget, $start, $etPos - $start);
  $widget = substr($widget, 0, $start) . substr($widget, $etPos);
 $widget = str_replace($startToken, '', $widget);
 $widget = str_replace($endToken, '', $widget);
 return $result;

 function art_get_widget_id(&$widget){
global $bi,  $ei;
return art_get_widget_param($widget, $bi, $ei);

function art_get_widget_class(&$widget){
global $bc, $ec;
return art_get_widget_param($widget, $bc, $ec);

function art_get_widget_title(&$widget){
global $bt, $et;
return art_get_widget_param($widget, $bt, $et);

function art_get_dynamic_sidebar_data($name){
global $ew, $sidebars;
if (!function_exists('dynamic_sidebar')) return false;
$success = dynamic_sidebar($sidebars[$name]['id']);
$content = ob_get_clean();
if ($success) {
  $data = explode($ew, $content);
  $widgets = array();
  for($i = 0; $i < count($data)-1; $i++){
	$widget = $data[$i];
	if(!str_replace(array(' ', "\n", '\r'), '', $widget)) continue;
	$widgets[] = array(
	  'id' => art_get_widget_id($widget),
	  'class' => art_get_widget_class($widget),
	  'title' => art_get_widget_title($widget),
	  'content' => $widget
  return $widgets;
$sidebar = art_option('sidebars.'.$name);
if ($sidebar) {
  $blocks = explode(',', $sidebar);
  $blocks_count = count($blocks);
  if ($blocks_count > 0) {
	$widgets = array();
	for($i = 0; $i < $blocks_count; $i++){
	  $block = $blocks[$i];
	  $id = 'art-'.$block . '-widget';
	  $class = $id;
	  $title = '';
	  $content = '';
	  switch($block) {
		case 'search':
			$title = __('Search', THEME_NS);
			$content = art_get_search();
		case 'archive': 
			$title = __('Archives', THEME_NS);
			wp_get_archives('type=monthly&title_li=');// 2.6 not supported echo=0
			$content =  '<ul>'.ob_get_clean().'</ul>';
		case 'categories':
			$title =  __('Categories', THEME_NS);
			$content = '<ul>'.wp_list_categories('show_count=1&title_li=&echo=0').'</ul>';
		case 'blogroll':
			$title = __('Bookmarks', THEME_NS);
			$content = '<ul>'.wp_list_bookmarks('title_li=&categorize=0&echo=0').'</ul>';
		case 'vmenu':
			$id = null;
			$content = art_get_vmenu();
	  if ($title || $content) {
		  $widgets[] = array(
			'id' => $id,
			'class' => $class,
			'title' => $title,
			'content' => $content
	return $widgets;
return false;

function art_print_widgets($widgets, $style){
if (!is_array($widgets) || count($widgets) < 1) return false;
for($i = 0; $i < count($widgets); $i++){
  $widget = $widgets[$i];
  $id = $widget['id'];
  if ($id) {
	   $widget_style = art_get_widget_style($id, $style);
	   $callback = 'art_print_'.strtolower($widget_style).'_widget';
	   if (function_exists($callback)) {
		  call_user_func($callback, $widget);
  } else {
	  echo $widget['content'];
return true;

function art_print_post_widget($widget){

function art_print_block_widget($widget){
echo art_get_block(

function art_print_simple_widget($widget){
$title = $widget['title'];
if ($title != ''){
  $title = art_parse_template('widget_header', array('title' => $title));
echo art_parse_template('widget', array(
	'caption' => $title,
	'id' => $widget['id'],
	'class' => $widget['class'],
	'content' => $widget['content']));

function art_dynamic_sidebar($name){
global $sidebars;
$key = 'sidebars_style.'.$name;
$style = art_option($key);
if (in_array($name, array('top', 'bottom', 'footer'))) {
	$places = array();
	$sum_count = 0;
	foreach ($sidebars as $key => $sidebar)
	  if (strpos($key, $name) !== false){
		$widgets = art_get_dynamic_sidebar_data($key);
		if (is_array($widgets)){
		  $count = count($widgets);
		  if ($count > 0){
			$sum_count += $count;
			$places[$key] = $widgets;
	if ($sum_count == 0) {
	  return false;
	$cells = array();
	$place_count = count($places);
	foreach ($places as $place)
		art_print_widgets($place, $style); 
		$content = ob_get_clean();
		$cells[] = art_parse_template('layout_cell', array(
		  'count' => $place_count,
		  'content' => $content,
	echo art_parse_template('layout', array('cells' => implode('' , $cells)));
	return true;
$widgets = art_get_dynamic_sidebar_data($name);
return art_print_widgets($widgets, $style);

function art_get_sidebar($name){
return ob_get_clean();

Najtańsze domeny i tani dobry hosting www (e-poradnik o domenach i hostingu). Kupuj najtańsze domeny!

Cennik odnowień domen z VAT: .PL - od 42 do 50 zł (IDN 15 zł), .EU - 25 zł, .COM, .NET, .INFO, .BIZ, .ORG - 30 zł, REGIONALNE- 18,45 zł. - kup domenę na hosting seo

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