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podłączam się pod pytanie @Bodhistawa. Potrzebuje ok. 12 000 słów miesięcznie w języku angielskim, cena jest istotna ale odrywa drugorzędną rolę :-)

Ciężko znaleźć w tym segmencie dobrego podwykonawce z Polski a dla hindusów nie chcę zlecać po olewają deadliny. - skuteczne pozycjonowanie stron www
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...potrzeby na teksty po angielsku rosną...

Też to zauważyłem :P

Na zaplecze dobry generator sprawę może załatwić.

Aż tak tego typu softom nie ufał bym. Testowałem różne generatory i po wygenerowaniu, sprawdzeniu teksu... miały wpip błędów stylistycznych/gramatycznych.

Na takie softy mogą sobie pozwolić osoby, która chociaż „trochę” znają angielski.

Generują - sprawdzają – poprawiają = wstawiają :)


SEO zaplecze pozycjonerskie - www.ZapleczePozycjonerskie.PL - SKUTECZNE. SEO COPYWRITER teksty na zlecenie. Opisy produków w sklepie www wykona seo copywriter - zobacz koniecznie.


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Najlepiej jednak zrobić coś wartościowego jak się da/się umie. Z tego prostego względu, że na zachodzie ludzie chętnie sami linkują i tworzą naturalne linki do rzeczy lepszych niż spam.

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Po większe ilości - zapraszam na PW :-) Potrzebuje jedynie znać tematykę. Teskty posiadam od ręki - są juz napisane więc jedynie wchodzi w gre możliwość doklejenia tam linku/słowa kluczowego. Artykuły tematyczne 100% copyscape.

Chcesz darmową próbkę? Zapraszam na PW.

Kontakt priv lub facebook. Domeny DR:20 /RD:20-100+ / 0% Spamu / Linki ze strony głównej!!


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Ja + 3 osoby po filologii angielskiej moglibyśmy dostarczać bardzo spore paczki tekstów miesięcznie.

Jak ktoś ma propozycje to zapraszam na priv.

Tylko, że to ja chcę usłyszeć jaką cenę Wy proponujecie i za jakie teksty.

Ja nie będę pisał swoich cen pierwszy, bo już się na PiO spotkałem z tym, że ludzie chcą tłumaczeń 50 zł za 20 stron a4 :P

Próbki zawsze mogę podesłać.

Jeśli ktoś ma ochotę zapraszam na priv.

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Wygenerowany przez automat, tematyka SEO

{Equally|Together|In cooperation|Mutually|Both} pay-per-click and SEO are {embattled|besieged|targeted} to get your website {located|placed} as {secure|local|chummy|devoted|close}

to the {highest|top} of {explore|search} engine results as {viable|potential|likely|doable|possible}. Marketing and SEO are

different, {nonetheless|in spite of that|still|up till now|yet} {self-same|same|vastly|fantastically|very}, {self-same|same|vastly|fantastically|very} {like|parallel|comparable|related|similar}. SEO are {measured|painstaking|careful|considered} as the {central|main} factors in

enhancing the traffic of one's website. The concepts of {clear|sunny|good} SEO are {barely|scarcely|hardly} a

secret. The people who {slightest|least} understands issues with URL structure and SEO are

the {self-same|same|vastly|fantastically|very} {nation|ancestors|community|inhabitants|people} who {invent|create} them: web developers, programmers, and software


Many long-time SEO's are {instantly|now} looking {next to|by the side of|on|by|at} the {cumbersome|substantial|big} {photo|see in your mind's eye|epitome|give|picture} and {effective|operational|working} with

usability analysts. {A number of|Approximately|A little|A quantity of|Some} SEO are scam artists. I {attain|stumble on|get hold of|get back|find} it {exciting|attractive|interesting} that {accordingly|hence|so}

many newcomers are {known|specified|certain|given} the {wicked|dishonest|inappropriate|wrong} {sense|brand|notion|sway|impression} that {near|there} is one {enormous|massive|huge|immense|almighty} {reply|respond|react|come back with|answer}

to {responsibility|burden|liability|doing} {thriving|fine|satisfactorily|anyway|well} in {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engines. SEO are {focused|specialized} techniques {worn|old|used} to optimize

your {tangle|muddle|trap|net|web} {situate|locate|place|position|site}, to {ensue|live|be} {Hunt|Exploration|Explore|Seek out|Search} engine {welcoming|forthcoming|open|friendly} and {expand|increase} your chances of placing

well in searches. {Except|Excluding|On the contrary|Nevertheless|But} SEO can {too|as well|in addition|and|also} {be present|be real|ensue|live|be} the {mainly|most} profitable methods of {compelling|pouring|forceful|driving}

leads {for the reason that|since|as|because} {some|any} leads you {get|hear|accept|receive} {commencing|starting|as of|beginning|from} SEO are {uncontrolled|limitless|emancipated|free} leads.

There are a {bulky|corpulent|heavy|large} {numeral|digit|figure|amount|number} of companies that {accept|assume|approve|adopt} a {short-lived|steady|fast} and {wrong|immoral|corrupt|unprincipled|unethical}

approach to SEO {recognized|acknowledged|established|known} as Black {Fedora|Cap|Sou'wester|Sun-hat|Hat} SEO. They employ {wrong|immoral|corrupt|unprincipled|unethical} techniques that

are {next to|alongside|beside|touching|against} {explore|search} engine policies. The {greatest|paramount|finest|best} {outcome|consequences|fallout|domino effect|results} from SEO are rarely

achieved overnight. Black {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} SEO are the techniques {worn|old|used} to fool the {explore|search}

engines in {enjoin|organize|categorize|array|order} to {convey|bring} in {extra|additional|added|further|more} {passage|travel|transfer|interchange|traffic} to websites. Website owners who

unknowingly {employ|make use of|develop|use|utilize} black {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} techniques of SEO are {additional|added|further|more} vulnerable to changes

in {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine algorithms and faced {living being|human being|heart|consciousness|being} banned.

Most hardcover books {by|on} the subject of SEO are {greatest|paramount|finest|best} viewed as a vehicle to

help the beginner {appreciate|understand} the {administer|process} of {explore|search} engine optimization. This is

because the principles {after|behind} SEO are not {straightforward|painless|relaxed|laid-back|easy}. They are {same|vastly|fantastically|very} informative and

most webmasters are {concerned|complicated|involved} in SEO and {by|using} it. {Pasty|Ashen|Sallow|Fair|White} {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} and black {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} SEO

are two {conflicting|opposite|contra|contrasting|opposing} views of how to {perform|achieve|accomplish|solve|do} {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine optimization. {Clothed in|Popular|All the rage|Into|In} a nutshell,

SEO are methods that {aspire|intend|aim} to {recover|improve} the {sit|arrange|position} {before|otherwise|or else|or} rank of a website in the

listings {fashioned|shaped|created|bent|produced} by {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engines. The benefits of SEO are {approximately|roughly|about|almost}


Watch {outdated|not on|absent|made known|out} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} SEO Tools and software that is outdated and {absolutely|perfectly|wholly|completely|totally} {hopeless|rubbish|pathetic|ineffective|useless}.

Always {inquiries|examination|study|examine|research} {in the past|formerly|more willingly than|facing|before} you {obtain|procure|buy} {some|one|several|a few|any} SEO software because the {explore|search} engine

Algorithms are constantly {altering|shifting|varying|changing} {in so doing|so|by this means|thus|thereby} {humanizing|civilizing|improving} their {explore|search} technologies

to {bestow|impart|endow with|give|provide} the {mainly|most} {significant|germane|important|pertinent|relevant} {outcome|consequences|fallout|domino effect|results} for their users. SEO tools for Google, MSN

and Yahoo are {many|frequent|abundant|numerous}. SEO tools for {prosecute|press} {make available|relief|liberation|issue|release} optimization were {too|also}

launched by PRWeb {on|by|at} the end of June called SEO Wizard. {Hunt|Exploration|Explore|Seek out|Search} engine

optimization is not {straightforward|painless|relaxed|laid-back|easy}, {except|excluding|on the contrary|nevertheless|but} with the {proper|decent|acceptably|right} SEO tools, your website promotion

task {immediately|merely|emphatically|a minute ago|just} got a lot easier. Blogs are one of the {greatest|paramount|finest|best} SEO tools {approximately|roughly|around} and {approximately|some}

like WordPress are {uncontrolled|limitless|emancipated|free}. Google Sitemaps' are a {intense|sturdy|robust|powerful} SEO tools which you can

get {uncontrolled|limitless|emancipated|at no cost|free} by visiting my website.

MSN has launched a suite of SEO tools to {get|go} with their {Compensate|Pay} {For every|For each|Apiece|Per} Click {effect|merchandise|outcome|creation|product}

Adcenter. {In attendance|Here|At hand|Near|There} are {countless|many} SEO tools {presented|open|vacant|available} {taking place|proceeding|by|resting on|on} the internet, {a number of|approximately|a little|a quantity of|some} are {outshine|enhanced|healthier|better}

then others, and {approximately|some} are not. {Title|Footer|Description|Slogan|Header} tags, {appropriate|decorous|individual|apposite|proper} Keyword density, {appropriate|decorous|individual|apposite|proper} {transcript|copy|book|wording|text}

formatting fonts, {initiate|father|surprise|start off|start} {transcript|copy|book|wording|text} key-phrase as {full|entire|entirety|complete|whole} phrases, alt image tag {transcript|copy|book|wording|text},

links pointing to your {situate|locate|site} and {all|apiece|each} {side|sheet|summon|call|page} and your domain name itself are {approximately|some}

things to {compensate|pay} {thought|mind|concentration|awareness|attention} {excessively|extremely|very|exceedingly|too}. {Countless|A lot of|Scores of|Several|Many} {particular|specific|expert|focused|specialized} SEO tools can {avoid|stop|assistance|evade|help} you {verify|determine}

the popularity and the competitiveness of your {viable|likely|doable|possible} keywords and can {avoid|stop|assistance|evade|help}

improve your {explore|search} engine ranking {chiefly|predominantly|specifically|exceptionally|particularly} in Google.

Writing {clean|juicy|warm|breezy|fresh} {subject matter|satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} SEO plays a {bulky|corpulent|heavy|large} {job|position|responsibility|part|role} in {care|charge|maintenance|trust|keeping} visitors {by|on} a web

site. {Consent to|Allow|Agree to|Assent to|Let}'s {natter|talk} {exclusive|matchless|inimitable|only one of its kind|unique} {tangle|muddle|trap|net|web} {side|sheet|summon|call|page} {subject matter|satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} and SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {line of attack|plan|tactic|stratagem|strategy}. {Pronouncement|Judgment|Verdict|Ruling|Finding} a

good SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {author|playwright|journalist|poet|writer} is easier than you {ponder|imagine|reflect|think}. {Immediately|Merely|Emphatically|A minute ago|Just} {scurry|hurry|trickle|pass|run} a Google {explore|search} {before|otherwise|or else|or}

checkout {Come again?|Could you repeat that?|I beg your pardon?|What did you say?|What} is {clear|sunny|good} SEO Content? It is {matchless|inimitable|unique}, {worth|class|attribute|characteristic|quality} {in rank|in sequence|in order|in a row|information}

that your visitors can {manipulate|employ|get through|application|use} and is {beneficial|effective|helpful} to them. RSS feeds are an invaluable

tool in the SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} toolbox. {Proviso|Condition|Rider|Qualification|If} you scrape SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} and end {positive|cheery|awake|in the lead|up} scraping a

couple spam pages, you may get noticed {equal|unchanging|still|steady|even} {extra|additional|added|further|more} {for the reason that|since|as|because} someone is

investigating the {additional|new|further|supplementary|other} spam pages.

The {most important|initial|crucial|major|primary} {issue|thing|cause|feature|factor} that will {resolve|verify|affect|shape|determine} whether your SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} is "good

enough" is the {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} provided by competing websites. You need {exclusive|matchless|inimitable|only one of its kind|unique} {subject matter|satisfy|pleased|gratify|content}

that {not a soul|insignificant person|nonentity|unknown|nobody} has in {enjoin|organize|categorize|array|order} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} it to {overtake|pass} duplicate {subject matter|satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} filters. {With the intention of|So as to|With the purpose of|To facilitate|That}'s why it

is {weighty|focal|of the essence|significant|important} to get your {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} articles indexed {formerly|before} you {suggest|accept|submit} them to the

search engines. I {ponder|imagine|reflect|weigh up|think} {today|now|currently|at the present time|nowadays} {even if|still|all the same|while|though} {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine algorithms can {map out|track down|trail|outline|trace} {backside|move backward|in exchange|rearward|back}

the {subject matter|satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} and {distinguish|comprehend|see} who {available|published} it {formerly|earliest|first}, {as a result|thus|accordingly|hence|so} {next to|by the side of|on|by|at} {slightest|least} {compose|force to|achieve|bring in|make} {definite|assured|positively|dependable|sure} you {distribute|publish} it

to your website {before|otherwise|or} blog {formerly|before} submitting it to article directories.

To strengthen the theme of your web {situate|locate|place|position|site}, you need keyword {full|stuffed|creamy|irritating|rich} SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content}.

SEO {subject matter|satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {prose|inscription|script|letters|writing} tips {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {author|playwright|journalist|poet|writer}'s {central|main} {aspire|intend|aim} is to {invent|create} a {pristine|new} {on paper|in print|printed|in black and white|written}

piece which is {creative|innovative|imaginative|original}, {undemanding|uncomplicated|austere|plain|simple}, informative and {too|also} to the point. {Enter|Send a letter to|Engrave|Compose|Write}

specific {under fire|embattled|besieged|under attack|targeted} SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} the {autonomous|separate|independent} pages. {Exclusive|Matchless|Inimitable|Only one of its kind|Unique} SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content}

remains {sovereign|queen|ruler|emperor|king}. {Performance|Presentation|Screening|Viewing|Showing} your visitors you can {in fact|in truth|especially|truly|really} {enter|send a letter to|engrave|compose|write} {exclusive|matchless|inimitable|only one of its kind|unique}, compelling

content, your traffic will {expand|intensify|multiply|swell|grow} {self-same|same|vastly|fantastically|very} {brief|at once|short-lived|steady|fast}. {Prior|Before|In advance|Previously|Earlier} it was {immediately|merely|emphatically|just} {subject matter|satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {prose|inscription|script|letters|writing}

but {at this moment|instantly|at the present|straight away|now} it is {generally|extensively|broadly|widely} {recognized|acknowledged|established|known} as SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {prose|inscription|script|letters|writing}. {Still|Then again|Yet|Nonetheless|However} {in attendance|here|at hand|near|there} are {approximately|some} {austere|authoritarian|narrow|harsh|strict}

rules enforced {taking place|proceeding|by|resting on|on} SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content}. {Just the once|Time was|After|On one occasion|Once} you have visitors, your SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {must|be supposed to|ought to|should}

be converting them into customers. {By|In the midst of|Together with|Amid|With} {effectual|operational|efficient|effective} SEO {satisfy|pleased|gratify|content} {taking place|proceeding|by|resting on|on} your website,

half of your {explore|search} engine rank optimization work is done.

Ethical {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine optimization is a {essential|must} {before|otherwise|or} you will get banned. It's not

if, it's when. {Hunt|Exploration|Explore|Seek out|Search} engine optimization was and {immobile|stagnant|still} is fascinating to me.

Search Engine Optimization is a crucial {carve up|piece|amount|parcel|part} in a websites success. The

objective of {Explore|Search} Engine Optimization (SEO) is to {attain|get|realize|accomplish|achieve} {far above the ground|lofty|anticyclone|prohibitive|high} {unaffected|organic|ecological|real|natural} {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search}

engine {assignment|residency|situation|position|placement} for {significant|important|pertinent|relevant} keywords {before|otherwise|or} keyword phrases. Hiring an ethical

search engine optimization company to rank {thriving|fine|satisfactorily|anyway|well} in the {unaffected|organic|ecological|real|natural} {outcome|consequences|fallout|domino effect|results} is

essential to {elongated|extensive|slow|prolonged|long} {period|duration|designate|word|term} success.

Your {pasty|ashen|sallow|fair|white} {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} {Hunt|Exploration|Explore|Seek out|Search} engine optimization (SEO) campaign will {bestow|impart|endow with|give|provide} you

with a {elongated|extensive|slow|prolonged|long} {period|duration|designate|word|term} {boost|expand|increase in intensity|build up|increase} in {under fire|embattled|besieged|under attack|targeted} traffic and {trained|practiced|authorized|qualified} visitors to your Web

Site. {Holiday at|Holiday|Stop at|Pop in|Visit} my {situate|locate|site} {time and again|repeatedly|a lot|frequently|often} and {adjoin|append|add} it to your favorites as I {keep posted|renovate|fill in|revise|update} you with the

latest {reports|newscast|information|news bulletin|news} and rumors in the {explore|search} engine optimization industry everyday. The

effects of {immoral|debauched|deficient|faulty|bad} {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine optimization are devastating and {same|vastly|fantastically|very} depressing.

Each website is {matchless|inimitable|unique} in its {identifiable|peculiar|own} {mode|sense|feature|route|way} and {therefore|hence} your (SEO) plans {vary|differ} {commencing|starting|as of|beginning|from}

website to website.

My {situate|locate|place|position|site} has {approximately|some} tips {by|on} how to perform {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine optimization (also {get|identify|know}

as SEO) {by|on} your website. I have a {uncontrolled|limitless|emancipated|free}, {complete|inclusive|across-the-board|thorough|comprehensive} {steer|lead|funnel|escort|guide} to the {follow|prepare|observe|practice} of

search engine optimization for those unfamiliar with the subject {proviso|condition|rider|qualification|if} you {transmit|propel|send} me

an {contact|electronic mail|piece of mail|transmit|email}. {In attendance|Here|At hand|Near|There}'s a lot of {advertise|hype} {outdated|absent|out} {in attendance|here|at hand|near|there} {concerning|regarding|in relation to|on the subject of|about} {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine optimization (SEO)

services. {A number of|Approximately|A little|A quantity of|Some} are {clear|sunny|good} and {approximately|some} are {immoral|debauched|deficient|faulty|bad}. {Recite|Interpret|Study|Glance at|Read} {by means of|from end to end|owing to|from beginning to end|through} Google's terms of service

as they have {a number of|approximately|a little|a quantity of|some} {in rank|in sequence|in order|in a row|information} {by|on} their {situate|locate|site} {concerning|regarding|in relation to|on the subject of|about} it.

Too {time and again|repeatedly|a lot|frequently|often}, visual {aim|propose|end|strategy|design} and SEO are perceived as a mutual sacrifice.

Pay-per-click and SEO are {embattled|besieged|targeted} to get your website {located|placed} as {secure|local|chummy|devoted|close} to the

top of {explore|search} engine results as {viable|potential|likely|doable|possible}. Pay-per-click cost {currency|cash|capital|riches|money}, {except|excluding|on the contrary|nevertheless|but} the

clicks {commencing|starting|as of|beginning|from} SEO cost you nothing. SEO are {measured|painstaking|careful|considered} as the {central|main} factors in

enhancing the traffic of one's website. {Equally|Together|In cooperation|Mutually|Both}, PPC and SEO are {weighty|focal|significant|important}. The

truth is, the {mainly|most} {satisfying|worthwhile|gratifying|pleasing|rewarding} {carve up|piece|amount|parcel|part} of SEO are {repeatedly|frequently|often} the slowest to reward. {Image|Popularity|Public relations|Facade|PR} and

SEO are based {regularly|ordinarily|frequently|typically|mostly} {taking place|proceeding|by|resting on|on} editorial credibility and relevance, not a {open|close|direct}

payment {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} exposure.

SEO are {focused|specialized} techniques {worn|old|used} to optimize your web {situate|locate|place|position|site}, to {ensue|live|be} {Hunt|Exploration|Explore|Seek out|Search}

engine {welcoming|forthcoming|open|sociable|friendly} and {expand|increase} your chances of placing {thriving|fine|satisfactorily|anyway|well} in searches. {In attendance|Here|At hand|Near|There} are

a {bulky|corpulent|well-built|heavy|large} {numeral|digit|figure|amount|number} of companies that {accept|assume|approve|adopt} a {short-lived|steady|fast} and {wrong|immoral|corrupt|unprincipled|unethical} {come up to|draw near|advance|tactic|approach} to SEO

known as Black {Fedora|Cap|Sou'wester|Sun-hat|Hat} SEO. The {central|main} components of on-page SEO are optimization of

the {claim|refer to|entitlement|call|title} tag, the headline tag, the body {transcript|copy|book|wording|text} and the Meta tags. Companies

interested in SEO are {irregularly|infrequently|sporadically|seldom|occasionally} not {self-same|same|vastly|fantastically|very} {jovial|in high spirits|ecstatic|blissful|happy} with how their website looks.

Programmers with an {thoughtful|understanding} of SEO are in {far above the ground|lofty|anticyclone|prohibitive|high} {want|need|request|plea|demand}. {Because|While|When|At the same time as|As} a matter of

fact, sites with {first-rate|admirable|superb|outstanding|excellent} {Hunt|Exploration|Explore|Seek out|Search} Engine Optimization are making giant leaps in

rankings and getting a {foremost|major} boost in {uncontrolled|limitless|emancipated|at no cost|free} {passage|travel|transfer|interchange|traffic} with Google's {pristine|new} update.

Great {tangle|muddle|trap|net|web} usability and SEO are {useless|withered|wasted} {proviso|condition|rider|qualification|if} folks who visit your web can't {discern|know|tell}

that you are {praiseworthy|admirable|creditable|laudable|worthy} of their trust. {Persons|Individuals|Folks|Those} who specialize in SEO are in the

unique {sit|arrange|rank|status|position} of {thoughtful|understanding} the web in a way that no {usual|habitual|accepted|conventional|traditional} marketing

agency can {aspiration|possibility|chance|wish|hope} to. {Pasty|Ashen|Sallow|Fair|White} {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} and black {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} SEO are two {conflicting|opposite|contra|contrasting|opposing} views of how to

do {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engine optimization {accordingly|hence|so} {proviso|condition|rider|qualification|if} you {manipulate|use} one, {go for|select|elect|want|choose} with {fantastic|abundant|enormous|vast|great} {be bothered|precision|thoughtfulness|be concerned|care}. The

second {a large amount|mainly|on the whole|the majority|most} {weighty|focal|of the essence|significant|important} {portion|part|side|aspect} for {lofty|prohibitive|high} SEO is the headers. {Manipulate|Employ|Get through|Application|Use} H1, H2, H3, H4


Many of the techniques that can {be present|be real|ensue|live|be} {worn|old|second-hand|used} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} SEO are banned by the various

search engines. The benefits of SEO are {approximately|roughly|about|almost} {limitless|indefinite|bottomless|ad nauseam|unlimited}. {Immoral|Debauched|Deficient|Faulty|Bad} techniques of SEO

are a {austere|narrow|harsh|strict} 'NO' - {Comparable|Like} {similar|matching|unchanged|consistent|same} {dye|go red|tint|color} {transcript|copy|book|wording|text} as the background and Doorway pages can

get your website banned. The five {army|navy|armed forces|military|forces} of SEO are {significant|important|pertinent|relevant} Keywords, {exclusive|matchless|inimitable|only one of its kind|unique}

Content, {scour|spick and span|spotless|sparkling|clean} {Policy|Set of laws|Program|Rules|Code}, {significant|germane|important|pertinent|relevant} {Associations|Relations|Relatives|Family|Links} and {appropriate|decorous|apposite|proper} {manipulate|employ|get through|application|use} of Technology. {Scheming|Manipulative|Crafty|Deceitful|Designing} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for}

users and {scheming|manipulative|crafty|deceitful|designing} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} SEO are not mutually {total|restricted|elite|private|exclusive} goals. {In attendance|Here|At hand|Near|There} will {be present|be real|ensue|live|be}

compromise. {Pasty|Ashen|Sallow|Fair|White} {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} SEO are techniques that follow {accurately|specifically|quite|correctly|precisely} the rules and

guidelines provided by {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engines {exist|endure|stand} a {outshine|enhanced|healthier|better} {opportunity|attempt|risk|gamble|chance} of receiving traffic

and {advanced|elevated|privileged|upper|higher} rankings than black {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} techniques.

For this reason it is {weighty|focal|significant|important} to {appraise|try} to stay {rationalized|restructured|well-run|modernized|updated} as {further|far-flung|much|a long way|far} as {new to the job|in mint condition|pristine|original|new} SEO are

concerned. The off-page elements of website promotion and SEO are {immediately|merely|emphatically|just} as

important. The {popular|majority} of issues with SEO is {same|vastly|fantastically|very} {straightforward|rudimentary|chief|prime|basic} and {immediately|merely|emphatically|just} takes {calculate|time} to

be {chosen|selected|singled out|pulled out|picked} {positive|cheery|awake|up} {taking place|proceeding|by|resting on|on} {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engines. {Tangle|Muddle|Trap|Net|Web} {aim|propose|end|strategy|design} and SEO are two {self-same|same|vastly|fantastically|very} {discrete|several|changed|poles apart|different}

disciplines, {except|excluding|on the contrary|nevertheless|but} a {positive|undeniable|selected|confident|certain} {measure|extent|notch|step|degree} of collaboration is {obligatory|compulsory|required}. It's {straightforward|painless|relaxed|laid-back|easy} to {distinguish|comprehend|see}

why {effectual|operational|operative|efficient|effective} SEO are {instantly|now} {self-same|same|vastly|fantastically|very} {a great deal|a good deal|a lot|a large amount|much} in {want|need|request|plea|demand}. Black {fedora|cap|sou'wester|sun-hat|hat} SEO is techniques {worn|old|used}

to {mislead|technique|ploy|caper|trick} {before|otherwise|or else|or} manipulate {hunt|exploration|explore|seek out|search} engines for {advanced|elevated|privileged|higher} rankings.

If {completed|made|complete|through|done} {appropriately|suitably|accurately|as it should be|properly}, the results of your SEO efforts are {same|vastly|fantastically|very} impressive. {Persons|Individuals|Folks|Those}

who {follow|prepare|go through|observe|practice} what {approximately|some} {submit|pass on|refer} to as "ethical" and "correct" SEO are called {Pasty|Ashen|Sallow|Fair|White}

Hat SEO's The {mainly|most} {weighty|focal|of the essence|significant|important} {representing|used for|on behalf of|in support of|for} SEO is to follow the rules and you won't have

anything to worry about.

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Miałbym od siebie osoby znające biegle angielski w mowie i piśmie (Conajmniej dwie)-nie musicie się martwić o logiczność i sensownosć artykułów. Tylko chodzi o $$.

Nie oszukujmy sie 2300 znaków za 8złoty to są jaja.

Jak mam płacić 8pln za 2300 znaków po ENG to wiem co otrzymam.

Wiem co dostawałem za 1$ per 100 words od hindusów.Synonimizowane bzdury.

@Max w 100% zgadzam się z Tobą z tymi artami bo sam z nich korzystam ale niektórzy dostają budżety na seo (w korpo czy gdzieś) i ktoś z góry mówi że nie chce żadnych bzdur w tekstach, spamików itd i dają dużą kasę.Jest wiele innych sytuacji tego typu.Skoro ludzie mają tego typu potrzeby to nie wolno im nic zabraniać :P.

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Koobe z autorskiego.

tomek_25 oczywiście to nie są teksty na docelowe, ale na zaplecza czy na posty na forach w sam raz.

Wiem co dostawałem za 1$ per 100 words od hindusów.Synonimizowane bzdury.

dokładnie, wiem bo tez zamawiałem u hindusów, już wole generatory przynajmniej za darmo, a jakość porównywalna

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Próbka dla niedowiarków:

Motorcycle accessories likе helmet, arе а matter оf personal choice. In thаt case, aesthetic side often succeeds ovеr аnуthing else. At any rate, thіs hаs contributed why safety іѕ overlooked. 

To shun misconceptions in choosing motorcycle helmets, herе аre ѕome оf the factors thаt yоu hаve to consider:


This is the mоst important factor thаt уou havе tо understand beforе purchasing a helmet. Riders соmе in varying head shapes. These shapes include round, oval, egg, reverse egg and earth. Helmets аre alsо particulаrly made to cater to thеse varying head shapes. Thus, the choice is givеn tо thе purchasers. They must select the mоst арproрrіatе helmet shape that will greatly support thеіr head.


Be surе that уour helmet giveѕ you aрprоpriаtе peripheral vision. This is simply tо avoid accidents and оther untoward incidents.


Liners vary depending on the design, material and shape of thе helmet. Liners must give comfort аnd protection tо thе rider. Thus, it muѕt bе compatible wіth thе rider’s needs. 

Liners thаt give pressure points must bе avoided. Pressure points are uѕuallу located agаinst thе temples, forehead аnd cheeks. Helmet liner ‘skull cap’ iѕ preferable. Moreover, it іs bettеr if уоu personally trу the helmet bеfоre purchasing it. This iѕ tо ensure that іt wіll nоt bе burdensome in thе future.


Color is important in thе sense that it affects conspicuity. Bright colors are preferable over solid аnd dull ones. The purpose iѕ tо make the rider visible еven durіng nighttime. This is tо avoid collisions аnd the like.

Before you purchase a helmet, make ѕure that you аre knowledgeable оf all thе factors involve. You do not purchase simply beсаuse it іs hot оr at thе moment hype. 

Also, beforе purchasing, wear іt fіrѕt fоr an extended period tо be sure оf thе fit аnd feel. Wear ear plugs to bе acquainted with thе surrounding sounds. 

Some of thе leading motorcycle helmet manufacturers arе Arai, Bell, Icon, AGV, Nolan, Thor, Erex. The helmets they arе releasing are mоѕtly tested and approved by Snell аnd DOT. Choosing is uѕing your mind and уоur senses…

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