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Landing Page Od Intstapage


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Na stronie Instapage jest możliwość utworzenia landing page i publikacji na swoim hostingu i domenie, lub na ich subdomenie i hostingu. Publikacja na swoim hostingu odbywa się przez dodanie rekordu "CNAME". Nigdy się z tym nie spotkałem, więc pytanie brzmi. Czy jest to bezpieczne?

Ich strona to:

A komunikat przy publikowaniu domeny:

Tell Your Domain to Show the Pages Hosted by InstaPage:

To do this, you need to create a CNAME record in your DNS, wherever your domain is managed. A CNAME record tells your your domain to show pages hosted on InstaPage's servers. You can follow these steps or email them to your hosting provider's support team.

1. Sign in to your domain hosting service
2. Navigate to your DNS Management page
3. Find the CNAME record settings
4. Create a new CNAME record
5. Enter a value for your sub-domain in the host field

For example, if you're using, you'll enter www here. If you've already got a website and are using a custom sub-domain such as, then you'll enter try here.

1. In the 'CNAME' field, type
2. Enter as the destination or address.
3. Save the changes to your DNS records.
4. Go back to InstaPage and add your domain.

Note: Changes to your CNAME records can take up to 24hrs to propagate.

If you want to use your naked domain as well (the domain without the 'www') such as, see this knowledge base article.

We also have specific instructions for the following popular domain registrars:
Network Solutions
Blue Host
Dream Host
Media Template
DNS Park

For providers that use cPanel (e.g. LunarHost, Monster Host, SiteCloud, JustHost) you can follow these cPanel set up instructions

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