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ZennoPoster 5 - Zautomatyzuj każde zadanie w sieci


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Możecie mi wytłumaczyć, dlaczego nie można uruchamiać Zenka na VMware?

Q: Could I install the program on a virtual machine?

A: Yes, you can install it on virtual machines with the exception of VMware. Use VirtualBox or VirtualPC, for example.

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Woooow .....

ZP4 Mental Power do sciagniecia z panelu :)

The 4rd version of software named ZennoPoster Mental Power (ZennoPoster MP).

Some changes in defenitions:

Template now called project, branch - action, step - action group.


This is completely new feature that allows next:

- Create a project very quickly

- Auotomate same platform sites by using only one project

- Increase project execution stability

This tool finds important fields, buttons, links, etc. on page automatically.

You enter a site and one by one specify element class - login, password, button, etc.

Then you enter another site and IntelliSearch recognizes some elements automatically, other ones can be added.

The more you use it, the better it recognizes elements. In fact, there is in-built trained base, so it already recognizes most of page elements.

Sample: you have base of 1000 same platform sites, train on random 10 of them and after that you will be able to automate 50 of them already (5 times more then you did!)

And there is no limit, you can increase a success rate by training on a few other sites.

Finally you will be able to automate 1000s of sites, by one project only.

IntelliSearch is presented as a base, that possible to be moved to another project, extended, and more!

Firefox engine

ZennoPoster uses Firefox as internal browser now. This feature makes possible to:

+ Emulate anything that can betray automation system,as in headers, as in JavaScript request (navigation object, screen, etc).

+ Full control of DOM

+ Increase stability of projects execution

+ Decrease CPU load

+ Decrease RAM use by browser

+ Decrease half-open connections count

+ Socks5 support

+ Cleaning of all cookie types

+ Browser is now responding to AJAX

In total there is an access to any browser feature and it is used by maximum.


In brief it puts down network hardware

It succeded with testing in 15000 threads on server. We just was not allowed to open more connections on server.

It can check 1.000.000 of proxies in just a few minutes, the main thing is network equipment, it should be stable for such loading.

Highly optimized, consumes little RAM and CPU time.

Easily handle huge bases of proxies and quickly load them during program start.

Network testing system. It sets maximum count of threads, that is recommended to use, by doing test just once.

Check proxy on all necessary characteristics presence.

Visual editor

+ Support big and very big projects

+ Minimap

+ Handy editing forms, own for each action type

+ You can continue recording of edited project

and much more

New ZennoPoster interface

Made to the best traditions of torrent clients

+ You can hide instances

+ Project is added once and not removed when you restart program

+ Labels of projects

+ Grouping of projects

+ New scheduler

Keystrokes and mouse clicks emulation

More and more sites now protected against bots, by handling keypresses and mouse clicks via JavaScript. Emulation of keystrokes and mouse clicks will help work around this defense.

First, there is built-in emulation, which works by default in performance of project, it means that fields are filled with keyboard emulation, buttons and links are clicked with click emulation.

Secondly, you can send any emulation commands by coordinates.

There is also mouse click emulation by picture.

Click by screenshot

There are such cases when you can't identify an element on the page but only how it looks or you need to click on flash object at specific area, such as clicking play youtube video, etc.

It can be also some WYSIWYG editors where you want to click on one of its buttons in the toolbar. New feature "click on picture" will help you do that. You can search not the element that you need to click, but also the area of ??the page next to it, and already on this area to click in the right place.

Feature highly optimized and takes less CPU.

Static blocks

The project now has static blocks - it's browser settings, profile, emulation settings, tables, lists, etc.

These settings are for the convenience of project edit. They are shown at the bottom of the editor of the project in a separate form.

Also shown and configured while project record at the bottom of project tree.

Enter, good and bad exits from project

Project begins to run from the point specified by a special element "enter" in the editor, it is represented by a gray circle. Project can either succeed or fail, so there are two options - "good" and "bad" when project moves to one of them it is possible to make some final actions.

New data types

Table and list - created for the convenience of working with data, especially with files, which often need to be in form of lists and tables. It is managed from the static blocks and ordinary action.

For example, you can immediately put all links from page to list, sort them, remove duplicates and save to file.

Next table formats are supported xls, slsx, odt, csv to read/write.

Variables - it came to replace macro. Variables contain results of any actions and their values can be easily pulled.

Encryption of projects

Now you can encrypt your project and give other users permissions of such types: run, read, write and full access.

Permissions are given by user login (e-mail) in ZennoPoster userarea.

You can manage these permissions from specific static block.

Mail processing

+ support IMAP

+ opportunity to work without deleting messages from server

Now, in most cases you do not need to create any regular expression.

Specify email and password, connection settings are determined automatically, load messages and select search criteria, if search criteria is correct, message from list is highlighted in green, otherwise - red. Next, choose from table, what data you need a letter from (select checkboxes in lines with right word), specify variable to put found text.


To handy generate data (to fill out forms) a profile has been created. It generates data of person (Russian or American) with correct statistical distribution, and given the location. For instance, if generated man is from New York, his name is likely to be Eric Cole, as if from Texas, then Robert Tovar.


Macros are now only just static. All macros, global variables, local variables can be found in table


Usual FTP client

+ file processing

+ directory processing

Regular expressions designer

+ syntax Highlighting

+ search on Ctrl + F

It can be opened e-mail processing form and from tool panel of editor.


+ switch statement, ie choose from several options


New version of CodeCreator is not completed yet, coming soon and it adds a new feature in the project.

It is been carrying over .net 4.0.

It's not all features, some of them have been not finished, you will see all the sly.

Now ZennoPoster will require full .net Framework 4 and .net Framework 3.5

Old templates in the new version should work, but can be saved in new editor in new format only.

Edytowane przez Paweł Sokołowski - Eline


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  • 1 miesiąc temu...

Czy ktoś wie gdzie można wyłączyć w nowej wersji pop-upy ? W ustawieniach projektu nie widzę takiej funkcji.


Nie ważne, to musiałbyć jakiś bug, bo jak zaktualizowałem ZP do, to problem sam się rozwiązał.

Edytowane przez arve_lek


Punkty - dobra cena + gratis Skrypt i eBook, Blog SEO/SEM i Tatuaże na (tatuaże)

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Pytanie do posiadaczy. Czy w panelu dostępne są do ściągnięcia dwie wersje: 3 i 4? Sporo się bawiłem demem (jest dostępna tylko v 3 do testowania), a wczoraj myśląc nad zakupem i szukając informacji o tym co nowego jest w 4 trafiłem na informację jakoby nie było w niej makr. Jakoś nie mogę sobie tego wyobrazić... Czy program nie stracił w ten sposób na funkcjonalności? Piszą tylko:

Macros are now only just static. All macros, global variables, local variables can be found in table

Może jest jakiś sposób na zdobycie dema najnowszej wersji? Boję się rozczarowania...

Edytowane przez seonerd
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Tak w panelu są 2 wersje do ściągnięcia. Nie ma możliwości zdobycia dema wersji 4 z tego co wiem. Co do funkcjonalności - mi się bardziej stare makra podobały ;) ale w dużej mierze to kwestia przyzwyczajenia. Na pewno ZP4 jest bardziej user friendly - nawet osoba nie mająca pojęcia co i jak zrobi sobie templatke. Podsumowując:

W ZP4 zrobisz szybciej templatkę niż w ZP3, ale w ZP4 trudniej jest zrobić templatki wymagające dużej ilości operacji na makrach.

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Mam takie pytanie - korzystam z zenno na jednym komputerze. Na innym instaluje obecnie nową wersję - czy mogę korzystać z obu jednocześnie?

Internety robie! Jeśli Ty też to sprawdź nowy SAX.PL - tani hosting www. Kod rabatowy dający 50% zniżki to: [sAX2014].

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nie, zaleze od wykupionej wersji mozesz miec w panelu 1-3 lokalizacji, które można przełączać miedzy sobą. Ale sam Poster może działać tylko jeden

Count of computers 3 2 1
Running copies	   1 1 1

Edytowane przez MaxPan
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