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Scrapebox v 1.0 - 2.0


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Prepare your network (Optional, but HIGHLY recommended)

If you are using Scrapebox from your home PC or even high speed VPS/Dedicated server there

are limitation in place that restrict Scrapebox from using it's maximum potential. While this step

can take some time, I highly recommend you follow my guide on the KnockoutBox Website.

After making these changes you can usually expect to see a 200% performance increase when

using Scrapebox.

Dedicated Use (Optional, but HIGHLY recommended)

Using Scrapebox on a machine dedicated for use is highly recommended. While SB actually does

not consume a signifcant amount of bandwidth short term, it will generate thousands of

gigabytes of data over extended use. The main drawback is the amount of connections that are

constantly active, closing and reopening. Luckily, Scrapebox is very light on resource usage and

can be run from a basic machine with at least 1GB memory and 2.26ghz processor.

Another recommendation is to keep your dedicated Scrapebox machine on a seperate

router/switch then the one you share with your entire network. Due to the nature of

connections Scrapebox makes, it easily loads router processing to very high levels. Reducing the

number of connections on a single router/switch is recommended to insure high performance

and allow for easily reseting the router when an overload should occur.

3. Configure Scrapebox

Now we need to make some changes to the application before we can begin posting. You can

go ahead and finally load up Scrapebox for this next step.

First, I must stress the importance of using Private Proxies while using Scrapebox. While public

proxies can do the job, you will not see maximum performance.

Maximum Connections

For Auto Approve lists we will be using the Fast Poster option. We will need to set the amount

of connections to prevent issues while posting. If you have followed the optional but highly

recommened step of Configuring your Network for Scrapebox you can set this option higher.

As a rule of thumb

10 Private Proxies (w/ Computer Configuration) on 30MBps/5MBps connection you can set this


at 50 connections.

10 Private Proxies (w/o Computer Configuration) on 30MBps/5MBps connection you should set

this no higher than 20.

To make this change click "Settings > Maximum Connections" and adjust the slider bar under

Fast Poster to a range that is compatible with your system configuration and network speed.

This may require some testing over time to find your optimum setting.

Timeout Settings

This setting will tell Scrapebox how long it should wait before giving up it's attempt at resolving

the website host. We need to set this option at the maximum number for two reasons: 1. Allow

more time to resolve web host and increase success rate 2. Reduce the amount of stress on

your network.

To make this change click "Settings > Timeout Settings" and move the slider bar under Fast

Commenter all the way to the right (90 Seconds). Click "Apply"

Randomize Comment Poster Blog List

This setting randomizes the order in which blogs are posted too. This reduces multiple posts to

the same domain under a short period of time, increasing your overal success rate!

To make this change click "Settings > Check Randomize Comment Poster Blog List"

4. Proxies

If you are not using Private Proxies, you are going to find lower success rates using this package.

It's essential you spend the extra money on a good set of 10 Private Proxies.

Here are two Private Proxy providers at reasonable price

1. (I use this service without issue)

2. (Another service I use - Very fast speed)

Unfortunately, if you must use public proxies. There are steps on gathering "acceptable" proxies

for use with Scrapebox.

This is a simple but time consuming process on finding proxies that we can use for posting.

First we will want to turn on the new proxy harvester within Scrapebox. To enable this click

"Options > Check Use New Proxy Harvester"


Now in the bottom left corner of Scrapebox you will find the proxy section. Let's go ahead and

click "Manage" to open the proxy harvesting application.

Since we are using these proxies for posting and not harvesting we do not need to check if they

are blocked by Google. You will want to check the box at the bottom that says "Skip Google".

Now you may add your own proxy sources or use the default sources supplied by Scrapebox.

For now we will use the default sources which will already be enabled. So you will go ahead and

click "Start" and wait between 1-3 hours while this finishes.

After your extended wait, we will need to filter out the bad proxies/high latency and rerun the

test (Wish you were using private proxies yet?). Now you will need to click "Clean Up" and choose the

option "Filter Proxies". A small window will appear allowing you to adjust the latency to

remove. Let's move the slider all the way to the right (10,000ms) and click apply.

With your new clean list lets re-run the test again.

After your second run you should repeat the same process to clean up proxies but this time use

(5,000ms) as the limit. Running a third and final test and removing under (2,500ms) is highly

recommended to insure a decent success rate while posting.

Finally, lets export your new proxy list to file and then transfer them to your main window.

5. Creating E-mails/Names & Websites

Now you will need to create a list of new Names and E-mails for use while posting. These is the

information that Scrapebox will use to fill in the comment section on each blog.


If you will be using the Name field as your Anchor Text skip this part. Refer to Additional Information about Anchor


Let's open the Name and E-mail Generate under "Tools" in the top menu inside Scrapebox.

At this new window let's set a few options to generate a nice list to mix up your commenting


On the top left corner in the Names section lets check both "Male and Female" names.

Undernearth we will put "500" into the Generate field. This will give us a good variation of

names to comment with.


Now you can click "Generate Name" after this completes click "Save" and let's now save it as

"Names-MO-DAY-YEAR.txt" inside the "Poster Files" folder you created at the first part of this



With the same Name and E-mail Generator tool lets create a large list of emails to be used.

In the top right corner, check the box to turn on "Include numbers in emails"

Next, Domain for Emails you can use anything.,,,,

or whichever you would like to choose. This is the suffix used at the end of each randomly

generated e-mail.

Now you can click "Generate Emails" after this completes click "Save" and let's now save it as

"Emails-MO-DAY-YEAR.txt" inside the "Poster Files" folder you created at the first part of this


Close the Name Generator Tool


Finally, we need to create a file containing the list of websites/pages you will link to in each

comment. Inside your "Poster Files" folder create a new text document and name it

"Websites.txt". Inside this new text document you will place on each individual line the URL to

the website or webpage you would like Scrapebox to use inside the "Website" field on each



The next file you will need to succesfully use Scrapebox is a list of comments to be used while

posting to your new list. This is obviously a neccesary and very important file.

Unfortunately, Scrapebox does not have a feature to generate comments. Luckily, with your

purchase you will receive 50 unique comments ready for posting with Scrapebox. Just copy the

"Comments.txt" file from your product download into your "Poster Files" folder.

Using unique comments reduces your footprint and makes it harder for other people to find

and harvest all of your back links. You may create your own list of comments to be used while

posting to blogs or you can find free(or Paid) comment lists on the Internet.

Searching Google for "Scrapebox Comment Lists" will bring you back some helpful resources.

You may find free lists or services offering paid comment lists. Purchasing/Creating your own

unique comment list is recommended as having the same comments as everyone else does not


look good.

7. Posting

Now we finally get to the heart of Scrapebox! The Comment Poster section on the bottom right

of the application is where the magic happens. In this section I will explain the best methods of

posting using this package while mainting organization within your project.

If you are going to be using this package to build backlinks to your Money Site, it is HIGHLY

recommended you read the section "Avoiding the Sandbox" under the "Additional

Information" chapter.

Auto Approve List

First, we will need to load our posting files (Names, Emails, Websites, and Comments) created

in chapters 5 & 6 of this tutorial.

In the bottom right 'Comment Poster' section you will see 5 input fields for Name, Emails,

Websites, Comments and Blog List. You will need to manually load each file into the correct


Click the "Open" button next to each field and load the corresponding file from your "Poster

Files" folder.

After completing this, you should have your Names, Emails, Websites & Comments files loaded.

Now we need to load our "Blog Lists" for commenting.

You may load one of the Auto Approve lists supplied in this package or if you went a step

further and split the Auto Approve lists (Read "Avoiding the Sandbox" & "Splitting your lists" under Additional

Information) you can use one of these files.

After you have loaded all five necessary files Scrapebox requires for posting. Make sure "Fast

Poster" option is selected in the top left corner of the "Comment Poster" section.

Click "Start Posting"

Now sit and wait Uśmiech

Depending on the size of your blog list, Internet connection speed, home computer

configuration, and router settings. This can take anywhere from 3 hours to 24+ hours. If you are

experiencing long posting times, I suggest reading the article mentioned under "Optimizing

Your Network for Scrapebox" in the "Configuring your computer for use with Scrapebox"



After your posting session ends, its a good idea to export your session for further analysis and

rerun failed posts.

This is a simple process and takes no more than a minute.

Click "Export" on the bottom window, you will now see a few options we have. What we want

to do is export our 'Posted, Failed, and Captcha' entries. Start with "Export 'Posted' entries"

save the file into your created "Posted" folder. Good idea to use a date convention with naming

eg; Posted-MO-DAY-YEAR.txt. Repeat the same steps for Failed and Captcha entries, saving the

output into their respective folders.

As a rule of thumb, I would suggest waiting 24 hours to repost on Failed entries. The main cause

of failed entries are delays from the blog/websites host not responding to Scrapebox in time.

Giving this gap of time allows for an increased likelyhood of success next time around.

Moderator Approved Lists

The moderator approved lists is a large list of blogs/websites that require approval of the

comment by either an admin or moderator before it goes live on the website. Many

webmasters use this option by default to reduce comment spam on their pages.

Inside this package you will find a set of Moderated Lists for use with Scrapebox. The much

larger list is suitable for the Fast Poster option. You may follow the steps in the above 'Auto

Approve Lists' section for this list.

The smaller lists contain 'Do-Follow w/ Domain PR' and 'EDU Blogs'. These are extremely

powerful back links and deserve the extra time and care when posting too. Unfortunately, the

later option is very time consuming. At this point you have two choices on using these lists.

1. Use the 'Fast Poster' option (This is the fastest but lowest chance of success)

2. Use the 'Manual Poster' option (This is time consuming but higher chance of success)

If you decide to use the 'Manual Poster' option you would follow the same steps as the 'Auto

Approve Lists' as far as loading all five necessary files for posting. This time however you will

select 'Manual Poster' instead of 'Fast Poster'.

Inside the Manual Poster window you will see a list of website loaded from your 'Blogs.txt' file.

The idea is to skim through each article and post a relevant comment at the bottom of each

page. Luckily, Scrapebox will automatically file in the required fields from your Names, Emails,

Websites and Comments files. This will reduce the time needed on each page and speed up


your work tremendously.

If you are serious about building quality links to your site then manual posting is the best

option. The sheer amount of power from 10-20 good quality EDU or PR Do-Follow links far

outweighs anything else. A good rule of thumbs is to complete 30-50 of these links each week

for your link building campaign. Make sure to split your lists into easy workable sections you can

save to link check a few days after.


Trackbacks is a great way to get your link on a website without the convential blog comment. A

track back tells the blog/website owner that you are linking to their site and that they should

reciprocate the link. Included in these packages are Auto Approve and Moderated Trackback

lists ready for use.

Using trackbacks is as simple as following the steps above, however you only need the

Websites, Comments and Blog list to begin posting. Once you have these three files loaded up,

go ahead and click Start Posting. Trackbacks can take a bit longer to post to than normal blog

commenting but work about the same. Afterwords, you can export your success (and faileds for

later use) then run the results through the link checker.

Additional information such as Captcha/Slow posting will be added at a later date. You will be notified when this section goes live, as

of course all future updates to this guide will be freely available to you.

8. Link Checking (Optional)

After you have finished posting to each list provided in this package you can check to see your

links. This step is entirely optional and is very resource intensive on your network. You can

expect to wait 24-36 hours to check 250,000 URLs.

Another good way to see your progress is to use and enter your domain

information. It will display backlinks found pointing to your site. They will start showing up

usually 24-48 hours after completing your link building campaign.

If you do decide to 'Link Check' I must recommend that you use it solely for checking your

moderated comment lists. This is a helpful tool if finding which comments have been approved

in your campaign.

To use the link checker is a very simple process. Inside the 'Comment Poster' section you would

need to load your Websites and Blog list files into their respective fields. Then click the "Check

Links" option.


Here a new window will open with a list of URL's from your blog file. It's as simple as clicking

"Start" and waiting. After the program has finished you may click "Start" again to rerun any

failed entries. Do not worry as this will store your previously checked links and only retry URLs

that returned errors. Once this is completed make sure to use the "Export Links" option and

save your Found, Not Found, and Error files into their respective folders.

9. Additional Information

Avoiding the Sandbox

The Google "Sandbox" is a term used loosely to designate when a site or blog has been

penalized by Google's Search Engine. It can either mean a partial penalty or a complete deindexing

of content in the search engine results. Many factors can take place in determining

Google's decision to put your website or blog into the "Sandbox". One notable effect many SEO

professionals have found is that inconsistent and aggresive link building can actually harm your

main goal of moving higher in the SERPS.

None of us really know what can and cannot flag your site for suspicious activity. However, it is

wise to follow some basic steps when using a link building package such as this to reduce the

risk of the unfortunate. A good plan for using this package is to look at it as a continual link

building campaign and not a single blast and go. This holds especially true for newer sites with a

low domain age.

Its highly recommended to create a plan that will spread your link building campaign over

several weeks, while mainting consistancy.

Let's say for example we decide to use this new package to build links on a new domain. We

create a short plan that will outline our goals and timeline.

An example link building campaign:

Week 1

We start off with a small burst of incoming links from various blogs. Run a nice mix of Auto

Approve and some well placed contextual comments on Moderated Blogs. Keep this number

under a few hundred. As the week progresses we can check MajesticSEO or Yahoo! Site

Explorer if our links are being picked up.

Week 2

We continue our link building campaign with another blast of links. Once again lets keep it in


line with the number of links we built our first week.

Week 3

By week 3 we can begin to progressivly increase the number of links we are building. Perhaps

even sprinkle in a few .EDU links (These can be very powerful). Continue to check your progress

using either MajesticSEO, Yahoo! or Google Webmaster Tools.

Week 4 and so on...

By now I'm sure you have already caught on to this example of a safe, secure and reliable link

building campaign. Each week we will progressivly increase the number of links we build

throughout our campaign. It's a good idea to eventually set a plataeu on the number of links

you build each week. But do keep in mind that consistency is key! As well is different sources of

backlinks, don't just stop with this package. Having incoming links from all sources of the web is

a great way to guarantee top spots in the SERPs.

To assist with this type of link building campaign, we are going to need to split our lists into

smaller more managable sizes to be used week to week. The next section will explain just how

simple it is to do that.

Splitting Lists

Splitting your lists into more managable sizes is a simple process done right inside the

Scrapebox application. It's also very helpful to keep a good maintained and organized

setup for your link building campaign.

Simple import your URL list using the "Import URL List" drop down box under "Manage

Lists", you can either use "Import and replace current list" or "Import and add to

current list" if you would like to append the file to your currently loaded URLs.

Once your list has loaded into the application (This may take a few seconds to a couple

minutes depending on the size), we will now use the "Export URL List" drop down box

and select the "Export as Text (.txt) and split list" option. You will see a small popup

box allowing you to designate the number of entries per file. As a forewarning if you

select a low number on a large list, the application will export a large number of files

into your directory. Try to keep the number/ratio to a managable size.

Bonus Tip: When splitting your list for link building campaigns, a good idea is to

randomize the list first so you will recieve links from different domains instead of all the

pages on a single domain. This is easy as following the steps above, but instead of using

export and split files you will select "Export as Text (.txt) and randomize list". Then


repeat the above options again to export into split files.

Anchor Text

Anchor text is the bread and butter of your link building campaign. When Google or other

search engines crawl webpages looking for external links, they will take not of the text that links

your webpage or blog. Search engines will use this text to score your particular page or site for

that specific keyword in the search engine. You have a few options on setting what anchor text

will be used while commenting.

One method is to append a HREF URL link at the end of each comment in your "Comments.txt"

file. You would put at the end of each comment a HTML url link pointing to your site such as: <a


While this is effective, you may find some blogs/websites disable HTML code inside their

comments. Meaning your backlink will not be created succesfully!

Another and recommended method is using the Name/Website that nearly all comment

sections contain on a blog. When you fill in this information and the link goes live, it will link

your name as the anchor text for the website your specified. Using Scrapebox we can easily set

your anchor texts by placing them inside the "Names.txt" file you load for use with

commenting. Scrapebox will rotate the anchor texts located inside this file, and when the

comment appears on the site it will show as a link back to your site.

The above method is a good way to link back to your site without having URL links inside the

comment text.

10. Troubleshooting

Help my poster is showing nothing but failed!

This is a very common problem that occurs when your computer, VPS or Dedicated server is

having problems opening/closing connections. By default Windows configuration is not optimal

for Scrapebox use.

Help XYZ is happening what do I do?

If you are experiencing problems using this list or with Scrapebox then please visit

I will try to the best of my ability assist you with any issues you are having related to this



Final Notes

This guide was written by myself GoldenGlovez the sole owner and creator of I hope you have found the information I've written here helpful and wish

you great success in your link building campaigns. You may always find me on the

BlackHatWorld forums under the respective username. Best of luck!

In addition, you will always receive any and all future updates to this guide. Notification will be

sent with any significant update.

Now start getting your website that top #1 spot on Google! Uśmiech

Jesli moderatory uznają to za niestosowne proszę wywalić do kosza. Bo linka z otwartego forum nie mam zęby to podlinkować.

Edytowane przez MaxPan
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Kupiłem prywatne proxy, aby potestować komentowanie przy ich użyciu. Czy to normalne, że tak wolno dodaje, mimo że z reguły ich latency nie przekracza 350ms? Na tej samej liście i tych samych ustawieniach, z tym że przy użyciu publicznych proxy, dodawanie przebiega dużo szybciej i skuteczniej. Gdzie może leżeć pies pogrzebany?

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Mam problem: ostatnio zauważyłem, dosyć często, że jeśli puszczam blasta i rozłączam się z VPS'em, a po kilkunastu godzinach, kiedy blast już się wykona, loguję się ponownie i ku moim oczom ukazuje się błąd:


Zastanawia mnie jedno, bo pewien nie jestem: to jest błąd plików scrapeboxa? Po zatwierdzeniu (kliknięciu OK) SB się natychmiastowo wyłącza lub "zawiesza". Co robić w tej sytuacji, aby unikać tego błędu?

Edytowane przez Xemix
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to prawdopodobnie winda a nie SB, jesli na nowej kopji zainstalowany SB dalej sypie takimi błędami to chyba winda uszkodzona. Ogólnie SB ściąga kupę syfu ze stron, wiec ja stosuje antywirusy, bo reinstalacja robić bardzie pracochłonnej jak wydać parę groszy na jakiś soft zabezpieczający.

Edytowane przez MaxPan
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Gość Slawexsdz


Mam pytanie.

Wrzuciłem plik txt z kilkoma tysiącami adresów do linkowania i kilkoma tysiącami blogów. Gdy korzystam z Check Linka mój komputer nie wydala...;/

Czy jest możliwość użycia opcji "Check Links" na podstawie raportu z postowania, tak aby program szukał konkretnego linku na konkretnym blogu, a nie mielił wszystko?


Odnośnik do komentarza
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1.Czasami SB zapostuje prawidłowo, ale oznacza URL jako faled, wiec warto przejechać link czekerem cala listę, nu chyba ze sukces masz bardzo slaby wtedy sprawdzasz tylko sukcesy.

2.Duże listy dziel na małe, optymalne moim zdaniem to ok 25 k

3.Link czeker tez ma możliwość ustawienia ilości jednoczesnych połączeń i czasu czekania na odpowiedz bloga wiec jaki problem ustawić optymalne po wydajność maszyny i łącza?

To wszystko podstawowa wiedza która znajdziesz czytając ten wątek, bloga arve lek i td.

Edytowane przez MaxPan
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Jeżeli ktos używa wtyczki learnig mode, to niech lepiej zaktualizuje do najnowszej wersji :) Chyba, że pisaliście komentarze z jednym zagnieżdzeniem ;)

Niedługo też pojawi się nowa opcja w wtyczce link excractor, do wyciągania tylko linków, które zawierają określony ciąg znaków.


Punkty - dobra cena + gratis Skrypt i eBook, Blog SEO/SEM i Tatuaże na (tatuaże)

Odnośnik do komentarza
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mam pytanko, czy nadaje się SB na jakiś host z tego : ?

czlowieku czy ty wiesz co to takie Windows VPS??? Na stronie masz jak byk napisane System LINUX, o parametrach nie wspomne. W samym url juz jest odpowiedz zwarta.

Ludzie oferuja profesjonalne pozycjonowanie, spzredają blasty, bazy SB, a nie maja zielonego pojecia o podstawach postaw, i jak tu sie nie wkurzac

Edytowane przez MaxPan
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Mam dziwną sytuację, wykonałem update systemu(i reboot), i licencja wygasła, ktoś spotkał się z taką sytuacją ?


Na linuxie da sie

VPS linux

Instalacja środowiska graficznego(kde, gnome)

Instalacja wirtualnej maszyny

instalacja windowsa ;-)

Edytowane przez zoozool


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Jedynie zarejestrowani użytkownicy mogą komentować zawartość tej strony.

Zarejestruj nowe konto

Załóż nowe konto. To bardzo proste!

Zarejestruj się

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Posiadasz już konto? Zaloguj się poniżej.

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