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✅Dolphin {anti} - now an antidetect browser! Modern browser management.

Dolphin Anty

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Does Size Matter?

Today's update post might be brief, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's lacking😇
After all, it's what's on the inside that counts!

We've got two exciting updates on our agenda today. 

Let's start with something that will enhance your convenience😜

Responding to user feedback, we've implemented a full variation of tag scrolling.
Scroll however you like—using a mouse, keyboard, or whatever method suits you best. 
This is particularly handy for those who utilize a multitude of tags in their account.

Our second update is all about saving space on your computer. 
Extensions that were installed outside the "Extensions" menu will now be consolidated into 
a common folder, avoiding duplication. This will free up space and save you some extra GBs. Convenient, right?

So, that's the scoop. And remember, brevity is the soul of wit😎
We look forward to your feedback as we continue to develop new features


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Knock knock! Who's there? 🫣 
Core 124, did you order an update? 
Even though it's Friday today and you're probably rushing to wrap up the workweek
to dive into the warm embrace of the weekend, don't forget that the embraces from
the Dolphin{anty} team are much more delightful.
We've been working hard all week too, to roll out a new version of browser core for you.
So besides the long-awaited weekend, enjoy improved performance, bug fixes, and fresh browser fingerprints.
How to get this? Just restart the browser and relax. 
See you on the other updated side!


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  • 4 tygodnie później...

Monday is for new beginnings, but Tuesday is for giving them momentum. 
Especially when it's release day 🙂
So, what's new? 
📍 Auto-updates of extensions. Thanks to the hard work of our team and beta testers, 
you can confidently forget about manually updating extensions. Just focus on your work in the browser, 
and extensions will update themselves on time 😉 
📍 Improved delivery of confirmation code. Registering and changing passwords just got easier because 
the code will arrive in your email in just a few seconds! 
📍 Now all certified players can work smoothly not only on Linux but also on Windows and macOS. 
Love watching series on Netflix or chilling on Spotify? Then this one's for you! 
📍 Dolphin{anty} is available in Ukrainian. We highly value all members of our community, 
so now you can work not only in Russian and English but also in Ukrainian. 
Дорогі наші, користуйтеся нашим антидетектом рідною мовою з комфортом. 
By the way, we haven't forgotten about Brazilian community, expect it soon 😎  
And now you can restart your browser and continue working!


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  • 2 tygodnie później...

Tuesday updates have arrived!
Yes, our team dedicated time not only to a fresh version of the browser core
but also rolled out some updates. So, what did we implement?
📍We've added an import/export function for Local Storage, simplifying the authentication process
for users (for you, indeed) on various websites. This allows you to save and transfer login data from one browser
to another or between different browser sessions. For example, this is useful for Amazon, as not all major sites
rely solely on cookies. So let's say "yes!" to convenient authentication! Now there's no need to re-enter your username
and password, plus this feature saves time, especially if you work with multiple sites.
📍Localization for Ukrainian language has been fixed. Now the translation works faster,
making it even more convenient to use.
📍 We've added handling for edge cases when working with TLS encryption, allowing for faster connections
with servers that support Early Data technology. In simpler terms, the list of sites with working authorization has expanded
(for example, GetGrass)!
That's all for today. The updates are already waiting for you in Dolphin{anty}!


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  • 4 tygodnie później...

Release Day is coming! 
We’re excited to share some fresh updates with you: 
— Enhanced Proxy Blacklist Functionality. This feature helps you better understand 
the status of your proxies and why they might be blocked. If your proxies are blacklisted, 
you'll receive detailed lists showing where the proxies are blocked. 
This allows you to promptly contact your proxy provider to resolve the issues and get your profiles back up and running. 
— New Search Feature for Notes in Browser Profile Lists. Many of our users add unique 
and important information in the notes section of their profiles, such as phone numbers linked 
to accounts or other custom details. Now, you can go to “Filters,” click on “Advanced Search,” 
and select “Notes.” Any profile containing information from the notes will be found in seconds 😉 
🐬 These updates aim to help you better understand the status of your proxies and make it easier to find profiles in Dolphin{anty}. 
So, restart your browser and keep working comfortably. And don’t forget, more updates are on the way:)


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  • 1 miesiąc temu...

Updates to the Free and Base Plans are on the way! 👀 
Working on our antidetect browser is a continuous process. 
Our team tirelessly implements new features, updates the browser core, refreshes the design, 
and carefully listens to feedback from our users — more than 2 million of you! 
(And don’t forget about our recent “Feedback” module 😜
Beyond these efforts, the Dolphin Team aims to remain dynamic, unafraid of change, 
and committed to providing the best possible experience for our clients. 
In this spirit, a phrase from those nostalgic motivational posters (2014, we miss you) seems fitting: 
“A new week is a great opportunity to find a new path and leave the old road behind.” 
So, we’ve found a new path! 👇  
— Starting in August, the FREE plan will see changes in functionality, including the ability 
to manage profiles in bulk, export cookies, automate profiles, and other features.
The BASE plan will have one change related to the "Team Lead" role in team collaboration. 
— To help you review these upcoming changes in detail, we've prepared an article
There, you’ll also find the updated plan grid. 
❗️ Spoiler: The main functionality across all plans (except Free and Base) will remain unchanged. 
If you still have any doubts about what will work on your plan — click here to check it out.


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We’re defying the laws of mathematics once again and proudly declaring: 1=2, 2=4 <strong>🥳</strong>

Our promotion caused a stir last year, and this year, we’re making it even better.
🎁 Exclusive offer for new users and those who haven’t used our service in a while:
when you purchase a subscription of 1 month or more on the Base plan or higher, you’ll receive an additional month for free.
And if you purchase 2 months upfront, you’ll get an extra 2 months as a gift!
Participation conditions:
— Be a new user of Dolphin{anty} or not have had a paid subscription for more than 3 months.
— Purchase a subscription of 1 month or more on the Base plan or higher.
— Message support on our website or in private to @Dolphin_PR with the code word 1=2.
How it works:
1. Purchase a subscription of 1 month or more on the Base plan or higher.
2. Notify support (or us on Telegram) with the code word.
3. Receive a bonus month (or two) for free, depending on the duration of your subscription.
⏳ Promotion period: July 17th — July 31st

❗️ Remember, this offer is only valid for new users or those who haven’t had a paid subscription for more than 3 months.
Attempts to create a new account to get a free month may result in data being blocked across all accounts.
💜 Join Dolphin{anty} and enjoy extra time on your plan absolutely free!


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  • 1 miesiąc temu...

Weekly Updates in Dolphin{anty} – What's New for You? 😇 
This week, we’ve fixed some annoying bugs and improved the app's performance 
to make your experience smoother. 
Here's what we've fixed: 
✅ Restored the "Logout" Button in Anti-Abuse Mode
Previously, when you received an abuse warning, you couldn't log out of your account. 
Now, the "Logout" button is back, so you can easily switch between accounts. 
✅ Fixed Search Result Saving
Search results in the "Profiles" and "Proxies" sections are now saved when you switch tabs and return, 
so you don't have to re-enter your query. 
✅ Improved Profile Search Functionality with Esc 
Now, pressing Esc during a search no longer causes the interface to disappear. 
Everything works correctly, and your data stays on screen. 
✅ Added Pop-Up Notifications for Deleting Statuses and Pages
When you delete a status or page, a notification will appear to confirm that the action was successful. 
✅ Resolved Tag Issues When Sharing Profiles 
Tags assigned to browser profiles now transfer seamlessly between team members and remain visible to everyone. 
✅ Streamlined Extension Transfer Between Profiles
Globally installed extensions are now transferred without issues when sharing profiles between users. 
✅ Fixed Registration Issues in Mozilla and Edge 
Our team is committed to ensuring your work process is stable. 
See for yourself – just restart Dolphin{anty} 😉


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  • 3 miesiące temu...

Here it is! Time to take action 🆒
Today’s the day! “Black Friday” is here, and it’s your chance to get 
Dolphin{anty} for life with a 75% discount
Why should you jump in? 
✅ We’re tried and trusted —  Dolphin{anty} has been around for nearly 4 years!
✅ Not only will you get 75% off, but you’ll also get access to all future updates and improvements at no extra cost.
✅ You lock in the price for life — yes, for life!
How to get started:  
1️⃣ Head over to our website.
2️⃣ Choose your plan and calculate your discounted price 
(we’ve got a handy calculator for you ), then you’ll see a contact button.
3️⃣ We’ll reach out, help with payment, and you’ll secure your lifetime subscription at the best price!

Don’t miss out — this kind of offer only comes once a year (maybe even once in a lifetime)! 
Head to the site now and grab your lifetime subscription to Dolphin{anty} at the lowest price!


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  • 2 miesiące temu...

Błędy uruchamiania 🟣 Dolphin{anty}


Jeśli widzisz fioletowy ekran podczas uruchamiania aplikacji,
zastanówmy się, co jest tego przyczyną i jak to naprawić.


Możliwe błędy ⤵️


📍 Błąd podczas wybierania hosta do pobrania local-api
📍 Błąd podczas wybierania hosta interfejsu
📍 Definiowanie hosta interfejsu
📍 Błąd lokalnego interfejsu API: EBUSY: zasób zajęty lub zablokowany
📍 Błąd: Nie udało się uzyskać ścieżki „pliki do pobrania


Możliwe przyczyny ⤵️


- Niestabilne połączenie internetowe
- Dostawca usług internetowych blokuje źródło pobierania
- Włączona jest sieć VPN lub podobne oprogramowanie (które może zakłócać połączenia)
- Program antywirusowy blokuje pobieranie plików bez powiadomienia
lub błędnie oznacza pliki jako zagrożenia
- Dostęp do plików jest ograniczony lub inny proces korzysta z plików.


Jak naprawić błędy połączenia sieciowego 🤔




📍 Błąd podczas wybierania hosta do pobrania local-api
📍 Błąd podczas wybierania hosta interfejsu

📍 Definiowanie hosta interfejsu


Opcja 1: Użyj VPN


1️⃣ Zamknij ⚙️ Dolphin{anty}
2️⃣ Zainstaluj VPN
3️⃣ Uruchom i włącz VPN
4️⃣ Otwórz ⚙️ Dolphin{anty} i sprawdź połączenie


Opcja 2: Przełącz sieć


1️⃣ Spróbuj połączyć się z inną siecią Wi-Fi (najlepiej od innego dostawcy usług internetowych)
2️⃣ LUB użyj danych mobilnych z hotspotem
3️⃣ Uruchom ponownie ⚙️ Dolphin{anty} i sprawdź połączenie.


Jak naprawić błędy dostępu lokalnego 🤔




📍 Lokalny błąd API: EBUSY: zasób zajęty lub zablokowany
📍 Błąd: Nie udało się uzyskać ścieżki „pliki do pobrania


➡️ Lokalny błąd API: EBUSY: zasób zajęty lub zablokowany


1️⃣ Otwórz Menedżera zadań (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)
2️⃣ Zakończ wszystkie procesy dolphin_anty.exe
3️⃣ Uruchom ponownie ⚙️ Dolphin{anty}
4️⃣ Jeśli problem nadal występuje, uruchom ponownie komputer.


➡️ Błąd: Nie udało się uzyskać ścieżki „pliki do pobrania


1️⃣ Uruchom ponownie komputer
2️⃣ Jeśli problem nadal występuje, zainstaluj ponownie program, pobierając
najnowszą wersję z oficjalnej strony internetowej


Jeśli problem nadal występuje, skontaktuj się z pomocą techniczną za pośrednictwem aplikacji,
stronę internetową lub Telegram: @dolphinsupport_bot 🙂



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⚡Fresh poprawki i aktualizacje w 🟣 Dolphin{anty}!

Data wydania: 06.03.2025


⚙️ Aktualizacje:


1️⃣ Fixed Problem ze zmienną w blokach pauzy w „Scenariuszach”


Rozwiązaliśmy problem, w którym zmienna w bloku pauzy w sekcji 

„Scenariusze” była traktowana jako ciąg znaków zamiast liczby. 

Teraz pauzy działają poprawnie.


2️⃣ Fixed problem z niekompletnym wylogowaniem


Wcześniej wylogowanie z konta nie powodowało pełnego 

wyczyszczenia autoryzacji,  powodując automatyczne 

ponowne logowanie po ponownym otwarciu aplikacji. 

Teraz wylogowanie działa zgodnie z oczekiwaniami.


3️⃣ Added Stripe jako opcja płatności


Możesz teraz używać Stripe do płatności, co zapewnia 

większą elastyczność  i płynniejszą realizację transakcji.


4️⃣ New Przycisk „Dokumentacja” na pasku bocznym


Dodaliśmy przycisk szybkiego dostępu do dokumentacji 

bezpośrednio na pasku bocznym, ułatwiając znalezienie 

potrzebnych informacji. Ponadto pracujemy nad wskazówkami 

w aplikacji, aby pomóc Ci poruszać się po funkcjach 

bardziej efektywnie. Daj 🐳, jeśli jesteś podekscytowany!



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