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System wiadomości dla portalu


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Trzeba stworzyć system wiadomości na potrzeby portalu ~1-2k online.

Wymagania również na tym obrazku:

Proszę o wycenę.

Email: in, out, saved

See attached sketches for mail layouts

User must be logged in to view mail, if user clicks on "mail" tab, they will be directed to: "you must be registered and logged in to access this feature" page

Displays Sub-Navigation: Inbox, Sent, Saved (inbox is default) in a sub-navigation below main navigation. Links will roll over with white background and blue text, and when selected it will stay with white background.

User must be "premium member" to access "sent" and "saved" box. (message in red above "inbox" will show "You must be a premium member to access sent and saved mail")

On all inbox/sent/saved pages, please add light blue background to every other mail message row, when cursor scrolls over the message in any area the background will turn to light gray for entire row.

Display: "envelope" = new unread message, "green dot" = user online now, "arrow" = you replied to the message (key will be at bottom of in/sent/saved)

Inbox (see attached image)

-Page title is "Inbox" in bold blue text

-Displays "You have ## messages in your inbox"

-Displays up to 50 messages per page

-If more then 50, Uses navigation "next" "prev" to scroll through pages of mail, and when viewing a message can go to "next" and "previous" message

-Messages are displayed with the following information: status of message (new, read, replied with icons currently used on daddylover), "from" sender name (links to sender), age, time received (1 minute ago, 5 days ago, etc.), ability to delete, ability to save, ability to check the message and "delete all" or "save all". If a user tries to save a message, a red statement at the top of the page will show "you must be a premium member to save messages".

-Statement below inbox reads:

* Messages are deleted after 30 days

* Premium members can save messages

* Inbox is limited to 50 messages. You oldest messages will be deleted first if your inbox exceeds 50 messages.

-Messages not saved will be deleted from database after 30 days

-A "key" will be added below the messages showing icons for "unread", "read", "message replied to", "click on trash icon to delete message", "member has photos", "online now"

View message/Reply to message page (see attached image)

-When viewing a message, add "date sent" above message "Message from "Username" sent to you 17 days ago"

-Below will be "message: text of message goes here"

-"Reply to Username... followed by a text field with "send" button

-light blue background goes around message and reply box and send button (see attached image for layout)

-Link "back to inbox" below

-Link option below text field "Click here to send a standard message "Thank you for your interest, but I don't think we'd be a good match".

Sent premium feature

-Same as Inbox except shows who it is sent to (instead of from), and status of message of sent is shown. Change "new" to "status".

-Add key below all current info on page showing the envelope icon like this: icon(this is the image) = message has not been viewed by member yet. "no icon" = message has been read

- * Messages are deleted after 30

* Sent box is limited to 100 messages

"Viewing a sent messaage" will be same as viewing a message, but there will be no reply message option (unless you think having the option to mail them when viewing your own sent message is good?).

-When viewing a "sent" message only "delete" option is added above the message

Saved premium feature

-Looks exactly like inbox

* Saved box is limited to 100 messages

-Messages beyond 100 are deleted from db

Sending a message

Sending a message will be done on the "view profile" page. Add "Send a message to "username" below the about me section (keep in the blue background). Message in green will appear above profile after sent "Your message to "username" was sent successfully"

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