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Google AdSense™



We've made many recent improvements to Google AdSense. Read on

to find out more.  

Increasing monetization through new forms of advertising  

As part of our goal to improve the monetization of your sites,

Google has introduced a number of new features for advertisers,

which will directly impact you as an AdSense publisher.  

We anticipate that these features will introduce new advertising

dollars into the content network by giving advertisers

additional ways to reach their objectives.  

We're currently testing these new features with a select group

of advertisers, and expect to make the features more widely

available in the near future.  

Site targeting: focusing on the audience  

The keyword-targeted ads that you're used to seeing on your

pages will now be joined by a new type of site-targeted

advertisement. Site-targeted ads allow advertisers to select the

specific sites they feel are most appropriate to their campaign,

and to run their ads only on those sites.  

We believe that advertisers will leverage both our traditional

keyword-targeted advertising which runs across the entire

AdSense network, and our new site-targeted advertising, bringing

more ad dollars to publishers.  

CPM bidding: a new way to generate revenue  

With site-targeted advertising, advertisers set a maximum CPM

bid - that is, the price they are willing to pay for every

thousand impressions - and pay on a per-impression basis. This

means that, unlike pay-per-click ads, you'll earn revenue each

time a CPM ad is displayed on your site.  

For every eligible impression, both pay-per-impression ads and

pay-per-click ads compete in the same auction. Our technology

will automatically display the highest performing ads on your


Expanded text ads: testing new formats  

We are also running a test with text ads that expand to fill the

entire ad unit, so that only a single ad will appear in that

unit. At this time, this test will only apply to text ads in a

site-targeted campaign and to ad formats banner-sized or larger.

The expanded pay-per-impression text ad will have to beat out

all of the competing ads before it can appear, so publishers can

be assured that any expanded text ad is a highly competitive ad.

These ads will be served to any text-enabled ad unit and will

abide by your text ad color settings.  

More image ads  

Because of these new features available for advertisers, the

number of image ads in the Google advertising network will grow.

To take advantage of these ads, and the increased earnings

potential that they offer, we encourage you to review your image

ads preference in your AdSense Account Settings page.  

You can also choose your image ads preference on a

format-by-format basis when generating your ad code. For

publishers who want to fully leverage image ads, we now provide

an image ads only selection.  

Your image ad inventory will also include a small number of

Flash ads from a test group of advertisers. These new ads will

adhere to the 50KB size limit for image ads, and will be

reviewed according to our content guidelines.

Finally, we've added the wide skyscraper (160x600) format to

make a total of 5 ad formats supporting image ads. If you're

opted in to image ads, be sure to use one of these formats so

that we can send image ads to your pages.  

Contact us  

You can always contact an AdSense specialist with your questions

or comments, using the contact form in the AdSense Support

center. We look forward to hearing from you.


The Google AdSense Team

Niestety, ani w AdSense ani w AdWords nie widze zadnych nowych opcji. :? a zapowiada sie fajnie.

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Czy jest na sali tłumacz?;)

Też tak mówię, że Michał się ostatnio "wozi" :PPP

Polecam w celu przetłumaczenia co mniej znanych wyrazów. Tekest nie jest w miarę skomplikowany. Chyba - że jak dotychczas ja - nie uczyłeś się nigdy angola. To wtedy jest problem :]

Odnośnik do komentarza
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Wyraznie jest napisane:

We're currently testing these new features with a select group

of advertisers, and expect to make the features more widely

available in the near future.

czyli niedlugo bedzie wiecej ;)

Z zauwazalnych nowosci dostrzegamy przede wszystkim podzial na jednostki graf+text lub only-text. Doszedl jeden (sic!) rozmiar reklam.

Ciekawie zapowiada sie mozliwosc placenia przez reklamodawcow za same wyswietlenia. Pewnie zimnym prysznicem okaze sie stawka :-)

Odnośnik do komentarza
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eheh ja już naprawde nie rozumie panów z google ...

Ciagle wprowadzaja zmiany, ciagle kombinują nad czyms nowym - z jednej strony to bardzo dobrze, że sięgaja po nowe pomysły ale czemu ich nie reazlizuja ?? Walneli notke, o nowych możliwościach kiedy ich nie ma??

ehehe nie podoba mi się i może nie podobać, ale szereg zmian uważam za kpine np. Piny - co to ma kur** być ?? Wprowadzili je a ich wogule nie wysyłaja, albo śla jak sie im podoba :| Ja też czekam na jednym koncie na nadjescie pinu (ponad miesiąc, taa powiecie możesz zazadac drugi). Mam kolege co juz 3 razy prosi i nic nie dochodzi .... (po 3 konto do kasacji - na reke chlopakom z google )

Czemu nie zajma sie naprawde czyms pozytecznym takim jak np. ochrona przed fałszywymi kliknieciami ?? Ochrona reklamodawcy jak i osoby która te reklamy wyświetla na swoich stronach ....

Zajmuja sie wprowadzaniem nowcyh typów reklam, ale zapominaja o podstawowych rzeczach takich jak ochrona użytkownika :|

Sam z nieciepliwoscia czekam na nadejsice pinu i realizacje ich "fantastycznych" pomysłów ....

Odnośnik do komentarza
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Wyraznie jest napisane:

:oops: Tak to jest jak sie czyta po lebkach.

Michał jest z innego świata ;], w Polsce do tego info masz link z panelu.

To Wy jestescie z innego swiata, bo mnie informuja za wczasu :)

W kazdym badz razie czekam na te nowe formy reklamy, bo zapowiada sie interesujaco.

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